Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015

Gito Rolis Fouw

My name is Gito Rolis Fouw

You can call me Gito
I was born in Tual on 25 October 1996
My Hobby: I think it's so many like reading a book, watching movie, taking a walk, play badminton, drawing, design (about fashion) and I love to cooking, I forgot I love to singing but I don't know what my voice is good or not.!! never mind !

In My Family: I have big Family (6 brothers and 3 sister and I) and My dad and Mom. I really Love them.

My Favorite Things: makes something full of colors in my paper and write down a words.  write down a lyric of songs, and than about something makes me happy like everything.

My Favorite singer : I really and really love Agnez Mo or Agnes Monica because she is my inspiration who bring the good impact for me to don't give up, forget about the people who always bully and talk about you and maybe their will hate you. But the most things that I love Her is her voice, so beautiful.

My goal in my life: of course I want to be success but I want to make my dream will be come true like I want show my work, my design to my favorite singer and some famous designers in Indonesia and I want to be a Model but (So many But) I want to be English teacher because now I'm still study at Institute and taking a English major.

I think that's all that I want to type in my first blog.